Thursday, December 14, 2006

Loving, the Tennage

First Feeling

Stepping to adolescence is not always a pleasant experience. After those countless naughty, careless afternoons suddenly the thoughts of worldly things come to your mind. To me common adolescent thoughts came like a gust of strong spring wind. I didn’t exactly knew what had happened and things transpired like tumbling dominos. Then suddenly things got lost in the maze of youth. I developed the normal sensation, that all youths feel, of love. I didn’t fall in love but I tumbled in it. And that too without the slightest initial hint. Say it my immaturity or my madness, it drove me towards the pit of tranquilizers, which is as normal when someone breaks your heart. In my case though the breaks were pulled just on time, resulting a soon recovery. God bless me I couldn’t forget you still…


Place your palm on a wet glass and thou shall find thy impression on it. Yes, it’s the most common phenomenon that isn’t required to be placed here to waste your valuable seconds in reading. I’m now in no ways a romantic freak. I had made my mind to erase your effect from myself. Things had suddenly settled…its calm…its cool like ones that happens after a thundering hurricane. I was living, without you, your thought. But, within me, I knew I was waiting for something someone…it was you, I’m waiting…

I’m afraid

Time’s passing like the comets. Impression on a glass perishes within a moment. But what about the impression you’ve made on me, what about the glass-like heart of mine where you’ve placed your sweet impact. Do you think this effects would dry away like the so-called glass? But, I’m afraid it would last as a stain forever. I am afraid it might happen…

My Prayer

It won’t be that I forget you,

No more to say, my mind’s stopped.

It’s up to you to do,

To Love or to shut me up.